Gluino works best once it gets to know you. The best way for Gluino to get to know you is if you introduce yourself. Let Gluino know a little bit about yourself like you would a stranger for the first time. From there ask Gluino questions.
Gluino is great at introductions to new topics. Gluino can give you an overview of the basics and then point you in the right direction to learn more.
Gluino is also great at being your aid through long term projects. Gluino remembers where you left off and can help determine next steps.
Gluino is great at answering those embarrassing questions we all have from time to time. Gluino does not judge and your data is safe.
Keep in mind that Gluino is a generative AI product. Although Gluino appears to reason, like all AI products, it is not in fact reasoning. Gluino will provide inaccurate information from time to time. You should always verify the information you receive from Gluino.
When you have a new question for Gluino, start a new chat. Sometimes it might be a question that has a simple answer and you will move on, other times you might find yourself in a deep dive. You can always resume a chat where you left off from the Chat List. Unlike other chatbots, Gluino remembers everything you have told it, so starting a new chat is
All your previous chats are stored in your chat list. You can get to the chatlist by selecting the Chat List item from the navigation at the top of every page. Chats are sorted by time. Clicking on any chat will allow you to interact with that chat. You can always branch an existing message or add more responses to the end of the chat.
Sometimes a conversation with Gluino might take a turn and to get Gluino back on track you'd like to rephrase something. You can edit any message in a chat to create a chat branch. It will be as if you had rewound the conversatio to that point, and asked a different question instead.
You can create a chat branch by clicking the pen knib icon. Clicking on the icon will move you to a page where you can modify the content of the user message and prompt Gluino for a new response.
You can always get back to any chat branch. Each branch will display a count next to the knib icon to the right of user chats. You can go back to previous user messages and ask new questions or refer to previous conversations for reference.