Release Notes
This is a living page that will update when we release new versions of Gluino.
Version 0.1.37
- New UI for feedback tool.
- Setting up for incremental data loading so users with many large conversations will eventually experience a performance boost (still in testing).
Version 0.1.33
- New Labs feature for importing your chats from ChatGPT.
Version 0.1.30
- Modifying the display of the chatlist to be a little simplier
- Some mobile screen enhancements
Version 0.1.27
- Some general UI bug fixing.
- Fix delete button on chat.
Version 0.1.26
- Adding in some information about Gluino and how to use it.
- Additional bug fixes.
Version 0.1.25
- Fix bug where first message was not getting memories from previous chats.
- Additional bug fixes.
Version 0.1.24
- Fix and re-enable email tool (doesn't submit feedback)
- Add a tab index to submit button so tab space works in safari
Version 0.1.22
- Fix DB issue with trying to enter empty strings.